Those that know me will gasp, or at least cringe, when I tell you that we are expected to be able to self navigate along this trip. Although there are eight of us, we all ride at different rates and it’s not unusual to be heading out alone on your own. If you’ve ever seen me use a map, or try to create directions, you know. I have no sense of direction. I never know which direction I am going unless it’s sunrise or sunset. If I think we need to go right, we most definitely should go left.
For this ride we use Ride with GPS, an app that gives both auditory and Cue sheet directions. There’s also a map included that has a blue line we are supposed to follow. This is worked wonderfully for me so far, as I can follow oral directions really well, especially since they come one at a time. With a prompt. And usually twice.
Until today. The Ride with GPS map was correct but the cue sheet left out a turn. A very important turn. One that, if missed, would take us about 40 miles out of our way.
Luckily there is a “Bee- Boop“ signal that comes on when ride with GPS thinks you are off course. Unfortunately, ride with GPS had me off course for much of the ride, even though my track matched the route. I stopped multiple times trying to figure out where the disconnect was and was just turning around and getting frustrated and trying to figure this out on my own when an escape hatch appeared in the form of Kelly and Adam, and we were all soon back where we belonged Thanks to Adam’s superior sense of direction. As an aside, yes, we do have paper maps as well. With my poor map reading skills, these are almost useless. Time to up my game.
Oh my, you really have to have good survival and coping skills. Thank goodness for GPS and other riders! Debbie