I got up with a new attitude this morning, determined not to whine about the horrible pavement that would be ahead of us as we rode out of eastern California and into western Arizona. I was pleasantly surprised to find that things improved exponentially as soon as we turned left out of the driveway. It stayed lovely past a fish ladder, fields of broccoli, and even up to the Yuma proving Ground. Overall a much better experience than yesterday. We eventually got on “historic route 80” and spread ourselves out. The landscape had changed to desert again. I fwt as though I spent hours looking at one mountain in particular that absolutely mocked me. I would swear it kept moving farther away. It was a grind to say the least, but today I had a hydration plan that put me in much better shape than yesterday. I set my interval timer to go off every 15 minutes, and when I heard it I took a good long drink of my electrolyte mix. This proved to be a very important part of making this day better...